Redwood Library Historic Restoration and Addition

Owners Representative, Project Management

Design and construction of this challenging renovation and addition to America’s oldest lending library.

Farrar & Associates assisted throughout this challenging renovation’s design and construction phases and addition to America’s oldest lending library. Performing contract negotiations and contractor selection, we worked towards the best interest of ownership from the start of the project.


  • Maintain the integrity of the historical fabric at all times
  • Completely restore the original 230-year-old structure – 9,000 sq. ft.
  • Incorporate technology upgrades and sophisticated mechanical systems
  • Integrate complete fire suppression systems to be as ‘invisible’ as possible
  • Resolve environmental soil issues
  • Underpin the existing structure while excavating for the addition’s below-grade level
  • Protect the 75-year-old gardens and specimen trees

Farrar & Associates is honored to have been entrusted with restoring and preserving this National Historic Landmark. The project was accomplished with a satisfactory resolution to the overall plan and ownership program.


Farrar Associates, Inc.
31 Bridge Street, Suite A, Newport, RI


Mon-Fri: 8am – 4pm
Sat & Sun: Closed 

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